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Tesla’s self-driving, Wile E. Failed the Coyote test

One of the greatest obstacles is the ability to respond in a good way to identify and identify potential problems and give potential problems in a metaphorical sense. One of the greatest obstacles, the giant Wile E. Coyote style walls, which faced self-driving cars, are Coyote style walls to move forward in trying to crash.

Okay, it is very difficult for the past that the last NASA engineer and current YouTuber Mark Rober Rober, do not see how long it takes the test of self-manageable vehicles. At the end of your video named “Can you deceive yourself a driving machine?“Rober Tesla’s computer vision-only using a series of tests using a motor vehicle-only autopilot and a light detection of a car, trying to stop the Wile E. Coyote to stop the road run.

With the risk of spoiling the video for you, Tesla releases a large hole in the wall after the autopilot plates, which is about 40 miles per hour.

When Roberin’s six tests are escaped, including a number of experiments, including a number of experiments that determine if the conditions are negative enough, the self-driving machine will reap the child. Tesla’s autopilot technology, a dummy and blindly covered with a dummy and blind-blind lights in the last second, Sis and Sis and severe rain sends a fake baby to a fake child. And as hard as possible, you will be able to find a photoric rest of the road in front of a plaster, fog and rain road.

In contrast, the LiDAR system succeeded every time. Because this video is an advertisement for Luidar, it should not come too surprise. Starts from Robert using a portable Lidan Sensor to map Space mountain trip At Disney World and a Lidar manufacturer, you know that kinda is kinda where this thing is from start to start.

However, Tesla’s sensors are noticeable about how effective these sensors in favor of these sensors in favor of these sensors in favor of these sensors. The reason for this is the only change of who asked and when he asked, but usually Lower hot The use of more costly, the use of more information is required, and as a result, the computer serves as a stick that slows the development of vision. Tesla CEO Elon Musk went up to be called LiDAR a “the task of a fool

Perhaps this is true, but it is not a barrel with the walls, so you need to draw positive and disadvantages. It is difficult to allow your car to prevent other technologies on the board and “good, at least it is difficult to enter a child because it does not slow down the technology that can result in this exact thing.

Anyway, the video is very nice to watch the video, as many of Robery efforts are. And to judge Responds Roberin Tweet Shows the images of the wall accident, Tella’nın THITL, Teslam, who was purchased by Big Lidar, and Tesla, who was purchased by Big LiDAR, turned into a conspiracy. So this is fun.

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