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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
According to Chris Snellgrove
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Part of what Ronald Moore did Battlestar Galactica Restarting so convincing was that he told a completely original story and at the same time gave homage to amazing films and programs that came before him. For example, the premiere of the season 2 (“scattered”) has a flashback scene, where younger Colonel Tigh is about to burn his medals and quite possibly kill, and this cold scene may seem known to the film students. It is because it is particularly depressed Battlestar Galactica The scene has been hard to inspire Apocalypse now And one of the most amazing scenes in film history.
Originally the producers shot many different scenes with a flashback for “scattered” and the last episode includes only from them. One of them shows a younger colonel who desperately poured a lighter liquid throughout his old military medals; They are preparing to light and perhaps kill themselves and his partner in bed, but stopped by visiting the military police. They tell him he has been restored on duty and Battlestar Galactica Guru Moore confirmed the commentary of the podcasts for the episode that “in that is some quality of honor Apocalypse now”
If you are a Battlestar Galactica a fan who didn’t look Apocalypse now Recently (or maybe you’ve never watched it), you may be wondering what a tribute is. IN Francis Ford Coppola The film, some military police will appear and find the military character Martin Sheen so hungry that he must throw him in the shower to revive him. In “Scattered”, Tigh (apparently in the middle of the large carnote of liqueur) is in a similar position, although the guests do not have to throw him in the shower.
Interesting is Battlestar Galactica Showrunner thought that this minor divergence from Apocalypse nowThe scene made the scene more impressive. He noted that Tigh “just left and stretches together” and how it was “for our story… more efficient”. In the same comment of the Moore podcasts, he laughed that “they were not able to tell quite quite” the fact that if Tigh ignited his medals lit, “the whole place could go up.”
Obviously, the scene in the film Coppoly, where Sheen’s character must be thrown into the shower, is very unforgettable, so why did Moore think it is better, that Tigh became the ability to connect himself? In principle, there is a “scattered” episode where the alcoholic Tigh must take over the ship after Adam is shot, and for the audience and characters it was surprising that a shaking, violent drunk on the ship was actually a reliable officer with good instincts. The previous flashback before Tigh served on Battlestar Galactica, pretending to show that he can (unlike his Apocalypse now counterpart) pull together.
When we first watched it Battlestar Galactica The episode did not notice the similarity between the scene of the young Tigh and the equivalent scene in Apocalypse now. Now we cannot connect the connection and love Ronald Moora even more to add such a complexity to Colonel Tigh, one of the best characters of the show. As far as he is concerned, he probably describes the takeover of the command with the same two words Marlon Brando spoke great at the end of the end Apocalypse now: “Horro … Horror!”