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Pebble Creator presents smartwatches inspired by the first new gravel

It looks like a gravel, works like a gravel but don’t call it gravel. Eric Migicovsky, gravel smartwatch original creator, simply keyboard Two New SmartWatch – Basic 2 Duo and Core Time 2. These moral heirs with gravel smartwatches available for pre-orders for $ 149 and $ 225 respectively.

If you are not familiar with Pebble, this Palo Alto-based Start was one of the first progress of the Kickstarter Crowdfunding platform Back in 2012. The company has created smartwatches before the Apple Watch and Android-based SmartWatches.

The gravel is able to sell more than two million devices, the company is sudden Closed in 2016. After the bankruptcy process, the company remained by his opponent’s heart.

Fast forward to 2024, there was Migicovsky a bold idea. If we could return to these simpler times and simpler technological devices, what do we do? What do we do if the gravel smartwatches could return?

Google has been a surprising way in this process, because the technological giant, original gravel smartwatches are pebbleos that are open source of operating system.

It turns out Google acquired Fitbit A few years after the fitbit acquired gravel assets. But Pebble’s IP did not value much for Google, so the company decided to return it to the society of gravel fans.

Now, Migicovsky opens two new SmartWatching, which will work with core devices, gravel. Core 2 Duo is in fact a new gravel running the original gravel program.

There is always one e ink screen with several buttons on the side of the device. 2025 is a very basic hour compared to smartwatches. This e complex screen is an inviolable, black-and-white screen. However, SmartWatch supports alarms and timers – groundbreaking, knowing.

Using Bluetooth, pair with your phone and join the Internet. Thanks to this Bluetooth connection, you can also control the music on your phone.

Core 2 duoPhoto credits:Main devices

However, the two things that create gravel are continuous today. First, the battery life is great. The company promises battery life to 30 days. Second, it is a fun, hackable device. Have Thousands of WatchFace And it’s easy to create small applications for the device.

“This project is a starting work to sell millions of hours. A few rough edges (as if) will be delayed. Things could not last as much as you want,” said Migicovsky write.

“The only thing we can guarantee is that it will be a lot of fun, it will be awesome and much fun! Every time you look at your clock,” he said, “he said.

Other smartwatch, today, the main time, in fact, shares the same features as the main 2 pairs, but shares the same features in a 64-color screen in the metal building. It is also a touch screen, but the gravel applications do not support the interaction of touch so far.

Migiovski said that the shipping for 2 duo according to the nucleus should begin in July. Core Time 2 will take a little longer to produce because it should be available only in December.

Core time 2Photo credits:Main devices

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