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Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp fall into a massive finish interruption

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp users report difficulties to access them due to a massive global interruption.

“We are aware that a technical problem is affecting the ability of some users to access our applications. We are working so that everything returns to normal as quickly as possible and we apologize for any inconvenience,” said Meta, owner of the applications, In unknown.

More than 22,000 people reported problems with Facebook on Wednesday night and more than 18,000 had difficulty using WhatsApp, according to the Downdector interruption monitoring site.

Problems with applications in the United Kingdom, parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and the United States have been informed.

The cuts began around 18:00 GMT on Wednesday, according to Downdetector. Their figures are based on interruption reports and the real number of affected users can vary considerably.

A variety of problems have been informed, including the impossibility of using applications or feeds that are not updated for certain users.

“We are aware of some problems to access WhatsApp. We are actively working on a solution and we begin to see a return to normal for most people. We hope that things return to normal shortly,” said WhatsApp.

Meta platforms are some of the most popular in the world. Facebook has more than three billion monthly active users.

The greatest interruption experienced goal was in 2021, when founder Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the interruption caused.

On that occasion, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram services were fallen for almost six hours.

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