Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Health and Fitness

Summer Shape Up 2024

SUMMER IS HERE and that means it’s time to FEEL YOUR BEST!! Enter our Summer Shape Up Challenge to get in shape, tone up and feel confident! What is the Summer Shape Up Challenge? ours Summer Shape Up It isā€¦

SSU 2024 Grand Prize Distribution

ours Summer Shape Up Challenge It’s coming up on July 8th and we have some awesome prizes to help keep you motivated for the whole 6 weeks!! So let’s dive in šŸ˜‰ Grand Prize LSF Nutrition the range Personal trainingā€¦

SSU Responsibility Teams

Wanting to get the most out of ours Summer Shape Up Challenge?! We believe that Accountability Groups are a key factor in keeping you motivated throughout your fitness journey. With Summer Shape Up coming up, we want to make sureā€¦

How to Get Out of a Fitness Funk

Feeling stuck in your fitness routine or starting to feel unmotivated? Don’t worry, it happens. And, the first step is being aware of it, so you’re already on your way to getting back on track + regaining your strength! Weā€¦

5 non-boring ways to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential to achieving your goals + your overall health! But, I’m sure you know…sometimes drinking plain water can be boring. Am I right? Luckily, I have ideas to keep you hydrated + how to keep it funā€¦

3 healthy recipes

Don’t know what to bring as accessories for your next party? We know it can be difficult to attend family and friends parties without knowing if the local food will help you achieve your goals. We recommend that everyone bringā€¦